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AntyKillaura-System - System anty killaury!

Mr Janek

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Witam ostatnim czasy napisałem skrypt na AntyKillaure

skrypt jest w 100% mój

Potrzebne pluginy:







(Te pluginy uzywalem + testowane na wersji Spigot 1.7.X - 1.8.X)

Co dokładnie robi skrypt?

Skrypt dodaje na serwer antykillaure

co 20 minut każdy gracz na serwerze jest sprawdzany przez 6 sekund

otwiera mu się gui z napisem ANTYKILLAURA

respia się dookoła niego npc'ty

gdy gracz zabije 4 npc'ty dostaje automatycznie bana


- Komendy do sprawdzania

- Ustawianie ilości botów

- Dodanie do skryptu YAML

- Dodanie Botow jako graczy

- Dawajcie pomysły co jeszcze zrobić! :)



on load:
	if folder "plugins/AntyKillAura-System" doesn't exists:
		create folder "plugins/AntyKillAura-System"
	if file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml" doesn't exists:
		create file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "KillAuraSystem" to "" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "KillAuraSystem.script" to "Tutaj wpisz skrypt docelowy i wpisz /sk reload <nazwa>" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "KillAuraSystem.banmessage" to "&4&lPERMAMENTNIE ZBANOWANY||&3Zbanowal: &4&lANTYKILLAURA-SYSTEM||&3Powod: &4&lKillAura||&3Ban mija za: &4NIGDY||&6Zakup unbana na &a" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "&4&lANTYKI1" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "&4&lANTYKI2" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "&4&lANTYKI3" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set "" to "&4&lANTYKI4" in yaml file "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {ban::message} to colored single value "KillAuraSystem.banmessage" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {bot::1} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {name::bot1} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {bot::2} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {name::bot2} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {bot::3} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {name::bot3} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {bot::4} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {name::bot4} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		set {script::aks} to single value "KillAuraSystem.script" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
command /aksystem [<text>] [<player>]:
	permission: aksystem.admin
		arg 1 is not set:
			send "&a/aksystem &csprawdz <gracz> &7- Sprawdzasz konkretnego gracza"
			send "&a/aksystem &csprawdzall &7- Sprawdzasz wszystkich graczy"
			send "&a/aksystem &creload &7- Resetujesz konfiguracje"
		arg 1 is "reload":
			send "&aReloaduje konfiguracje...."
			set {ban::message} to colored single value "KillAuraSystem.banmessage" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {bot::1} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {name::bot1} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {bot::2} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {name::bot2} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {bot::3} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {name::bot3} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {bot::4} to single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {name::bot4} to colored single value "" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
			set {script::aks} to single value "KillAuraSystem.script" get of "plugins/AntyKillAura-System/config.yml"
		arg 1 is "sprawdz":
			arg 2 is set:
				if player-arg is online:
					send "&cSprawdzam gracza &a%player-arg%...."
					open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lANTYKILLAURA" to player-arg
					set {ak::status::%player-arg%} to true
					if {bot::1} is "true":
						create a citizen named "%{name::bot1}%" at location 2 blocks behind player-arg
						wait 1 second
						execute server command "npc remove all"
					if {bot::2} is "true":
						create a citizen named "%{name::bot2}%" at location 2 blocks west player-arg
						wait 1 second
						execute server command "npc remove all"
					if {bot::3} is "true":
						create a citizen named "%{name::bot3}%" at location 2 blocks right player-arg
						wait 1 second
						execute server command "npc remove all"
					if {bot::4} is "true":
						create a citizen named "%{name::bot4}%" at location 2 blocks left player-arg
					wait 6 seconds
					set {ak::status::%player-arg%} to false
					clear {antykill::%player-arg%}
					execute server command "npc remove all"
		arg 1 is "sprawdzall":
			send "&cSprawdzam &aWszystkich graczy...."
			loop all players:
				open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lANTYKILLAURA" to loop-players
				set {ak::status::%loop-players%} to true
				if {bot::1} is true:
					create a citizen named "%{name::bot1}%" at location 2 blocks behind loop-players
					wait 1 second
					execute server command "npc remove all"
				if {bot::2} is true:
					create a citizen named "%{name::bot2}%" at location 2 blocks west loop-players
					wait 1 second
					execute server command "npc remove all"
				if {bot::3} is true:
					create a citizen named "%{name::bot3}%" at location 2 blocks right loop-players
					wait 1 second
					execute server command "npc remove all"
				if {bot::4} is true:
					create a citizen named "%{name::bot4}%" at location 2 blocks left loop-players
				wait 6 seconds
				set {ak::status::%loop-players%} to false
				clear {antykill::%loop-players%}
				execute server command "npc remove all"
every 20 minutes:
	loop all players:
		open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lANTYKILLAURA" to loop-players
		set {ak::status::%loop-players%} to true
		if {bot::1} is true:
			create a citizen named "%{name::bot1}%" at location 2 blocks behind loop-players
			wait 1 second
			execute server command "npc remove all"
		if {bot::2} is true:
			create a citizen named "%{name::bot2}%" at location 2 blocks west loop-players
			wait 1 second
			execute server command "npc remove all"
		if {bot::3} is true:
			create a citizen named "%{name::bot3}%" at location 2 blocks right loop-players
			wait 1 second
			execute server command "npc remove all"
		if {bot::4} is true:
			create a citizen named "%{name::bot4}%" at location 2 blocks left loop-players
		wait 6 seconds
		set {ak::status::%loop-players%} to false
		clear {antykill::%loop-players%}
		execute server command "npc remove all"
on damage:
	attacker is a player
	victim is a player
	if name of attacker is "&4&lANTYKILLAURA1" or "&4&lANTYKILLAURA2" or "&4&lANTYKILLAURA3" or "&4&lANTYKILLAURA4":
		cancel event
on inventory close:
	if {ak::status::%player%} is true:
		wait 0.5 seconds
		open chest with 1 rows named "&4&lANTYKILLAURA" to player
on citizen left click:
	if citizen name is "%{name::bot1}%" or "%{name::bot2}%" or "%{name::bot3}%" or "%{name::bot4}%":
		add 1 to {antykill::%player%}
		if {antykill::%player%} is more than 3:
			add 1 to {killaura::list::gracze}
			broadcast "&4&lANTYKILLAURA-SYSTEM: &aGracz %player% zostal zbanowany za KILLAURE!"
			kick player due to "%{ban::message}%"
			ban player due to "%{ban::message}%"
every 50 second:
	broadcast "&8&m-------------[&4&lANTYKILLAURA-SYSTEM&8&m]----------------"
	broadcast "&aZbanowalem juz %{killaura::list::gracze}% graczy..."
	broadcast "&4Lepiej uwazajcie na kazdego PATRZE!"
	broadcast "&8&m-------------[&4&lANTYKILLAURA-SYSTEM&8&m]----------------"



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